My day starts off with a screaming baby at around 7AM. I feed him, burp him, change him. Then put him back to sleep and hopefully get some more rest myself. We usually get up around 10 and start the day all over again with another bottle followed by burping and changing. I never realized when I was pregnant how hard it is to do the simplest tasks with a baby. For instance, It takes me almost 3 hours to do a load of laundry, and about an hour to get ready to leave. Cleaning my room is almost a 12 hour process on my own. So I end up sitting around and waiting for someone to have a day off to watch the baby so I can get my chores done. Having kids is no joke, I'm stressed out of my mind. Between work, school, and a baby. I've honestly lost about all of my so called "friends" because I can't do the things I used to. They just don't get it. It's not about me anymore, It's about my son. It seems as though they've forgotten about me but, just goes to show what good friends they really were. When it's about noon my son usually takes a half an hour nap and I try to get some "me time" which usually ends up being picking up after my son, and attempting to get dressed or something. Usually never happens for me unless I have to work. I suppose it's about time to start the day.
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